For Professionals


Are you an industry professional? Are you in the middle of your professional studies? Are you a member of a union of the performing arts industry? Or do you have an equivalent amount of experience from the professional field of performing arts?

In case you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above - congratulations! You are eligible for our Professional Discount prices! ACT 2 ACADEMY aims to offer education for industry professionals to facilitate a possibility to continue develop and hone skills that one wishes. With our Professional Discount Program, we want to encourage industry professionals to attend our workshops, and furthermore raise the high level of our workshop attendees.

ACT 2 ACADEMY offers a 30 % discount from all of our workshops to every student who is eligible for our Professional Discount prices*. If you are eligible for our Professional Discount Program, simply fill out the form below in order to receive your personalised discount code. This discount code is personal, and can only be used for purchases made by yourself.**

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our workshops!

*Act 2 Academy holds the right to not to offer Professional Discount prices to every workshop available.
**In case your application fails to prove your eligibility for the Professional Discount Program, ACT 2 ACADEMY deems the right not to grant you the personalised discount code.

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